Diablo Hellfire Awakening

Diablo Hellfire Mod The Awakening


Base Items

W poniższych tabelkach zamieszczone są wszystkie zwykłe przedmioty (bazowe), które dostępne są w modyfikacji Diablo Przebudzenie.


Picture Diablo Claw Diablo Ring Diablo Signet Diablo Knuckle Diablo Talisman Diablo Amulet Diablo Ankh
Name Rings1 Amulets1
Claw Ring Signet Knuckle2 Talisman Amulet Ankh2
Durability Indestructible Indestructible
Requirements - -
Price 1000 1200
qlvl 6 12 18 40 8 16 40

1Pierścienie i Amulety występują w kilku rodzajach o różnym qlvl.
2It never drop on Normal difficulty.


Picture Diablo Cap Diablo Skull Cap Helm Full Helm Crown Great Helm Horned Helm
Name Cap Skull Cap Hełm Full Helm Crown Great Helm Horned Helm1
Armor Class 1 - 3 1 - 4 4 - 6 6 - 8 8 - 11 10 - 15 12-18
Durability 15 20 30 35 40 60 75
Requirements brak brak 25 Str 35 Str brak 50 Str 70 Str
Price 15 25 40 90 200 400 800
qlvl 1 4 8 12 16 20 40

1It never drop on Normal difficulty.


Picture Short Staff Long Staff Composite Staff Quarter Staff War Staff War Staff
Name Short Staff Long Staff Composite Staff Quarter Staff War Staff Battle Staff1, 2
Damage 2 - 4 4 - 8 5 - 10 6 - 12 8 - 16 7 - 14
Durability 25 35 45 55 75 90
Requirements brak brak brak 20 Str 30 Str 35 Str
Price 30 100 500 1000 1500 2000
qlvl 1 4 6 9 12 40

1Fastest Hit Recovery
2It never drop on Normal difficulty.

(first part)

Picture Short Bow Long Bow Hynter's Bow Composite Bow
Name Short Bow Long Bow Hunter's Bow Composite Bow
Damage 1 - 4 1 - 6 2 - 5 3 - 6
Durability 30 35 40 45
Requirements brak 25 Str 30 Dex 20 Str 35 Dex 25 Str 40 Dex
Price 10 250 350 600
qlvl 1 5 3 7

(second part)

Picture Short Battle Bow Long Battle Bow Short War Bow Long War Bow Primaeval Bow
Name Short Battle Bow Long Battle Bow Short War Bow Long War Bow Primaeval Bow1
Damage 3 - 7 1 - 10 4 - 8 1 - 14 1 - 15
Durability 45 50 55 60 70
Requirements 30 Str
50 Dex
30 Str
60 Dex
35 Str
70 Dex
45 Str
80 Dex
65 Str
100 Dex
Price 750 1000 1500 2000 3000
qlvl 9 11 15 19 40

1It never drop on Normal difficulty.


Picture Club Spiked Club Mace Morning Star Flail War Hammer Mace Maul
Name Club Spiked Club Mace Morning Star Flail War Hammer War Mace2, 3 Maul1, 3
Damage 1 - 6 3 - 6 1 - 8 1 - 10 2 - 12 5 - 9 4 - 8 10 - 20
Durability 20 20 32 40 36 50 32 50
Requirements brak 18 Str 16 Str 26 Str 30 Str 40 Str 20 Str 55 Str
Price 20 225 200 300 500 600 200 900
qlvl 1 4 2 3 7 5 40 40

1Knock target back
2+200% Damage to Demons
3It never drop on Normal difficulty.

(first part)

Picture Short Sword Sabre Scimitar Blade Falchion Long Sword
Name Short Sword Sabre Scimitar Blade Falchion Long Sword
Damage 2 - 6 1 - 8 3 - 7 3 - 8 4 - 8 2 - 10
Durability 24 45 28 30 20 40
Requirements 18 Str 17 Str 23 Str
23 Dex
25 Str
30 Dex
30 Str 30 Str
30 Dex
Price 120 170 200 280 250 350
qlvl 1 1 4 4 2 6

(second part)

Picture Claymore Broad Sword Bastard Sword Two-Handed Sword Great Sword Katana
Name Claymore Broad Sword Bastard Sword Two-Handed Sword Great Sword Battle Sword1, 2
Damage 1 - 12 4 - 12 6 - 15 8 - 16 10 - 20 6 - 15
Durability 36 50 60 75 100 70
Requirements 35 Str 40 Str 50 Str 65 Str 75 Str 70 Str
Price 650 750 1000 1800 3000 4500
qlvl 5 8 10 14 17 40

1Fast Attack
2It never drop on Normal difficulty.


Picture Buckler Small Shield Large Shield Kite Shield Gothic Shield Tower Shield
Name Buckler Small Shield Large Shield Kite Shield Gothic Shield Tower Shield
Armor Class 1 - 5 3 - 8 5 - 10 8 - 15 14 - 18 12 - 20
Durability 16 24 32 40 50 60
Requirements - 25 Str 40 Str 50 Str 80 Str 60 Str
Price 30 90 200 400 2300 850
qlvl 1 5 9 14 23 20

Picture Arcane Shield Primaeval Shield
Name Arcane Shield1 Primaeval Shield
Armor Class 16-22 18-28
Durability 55 70
Requirements 90 Str 120 Str
Price 2700 3500
qlvl 40 29

1It never drop on Normal difficulty.


Picture Small Axe Axe Large Axe Broad Axe Battle Axe Great Axe Great Axe
Name Small Axe Axe Large Axe Broad Axe Battle Axe Great Axe Great Battle Axe1, 2
Damage 2 - 10 4 - 12 6 - 16 8 - 20 10 - 25 12 - 30 15 - 30
Durability 24 32 40 50 60 75 90
Requirements brak 22 Str 30 Str 50 Str 65 Str 80 Str 90 Str
Price 150 450 750 1000 1500 2500 3500
qlvl 2 4 6 8 10 12 40

1Fast Hit Recovery
2It never drop on Normal difficulty.


Light Armor
(first part)

Picture Rags Cape Cloak Robe
Name Rags Cape Cloak Robe
Armor Class 2 - 6 1 - 5 3 - 7 4 - 7
Durability 6 12 18 24
Requirements - - - -
Price 5 10 40 75
qlvl 1 1 2 3

Light Armor
(second part)

Picture Quilted Armor Leather Armor Hard Leather Armor Studded Leather Armor Robe
Name Quilted Armor Leather Armor Hard Leather Armor Studded Leather Armor Tabard1, 2
Armor Class 7 - 10 10 - 13 11 - 14 15 - 17 7 - 17
Durability 30 45 40 45 70
Requirements brak brak brak 20 Str 35 Str
Price 200 300 450 700 75
qlvl 4 6 7 9 40

1Steal 3% Life.
2It never drop on Normal difficulty.

Medium Armor

Picture Ring Mail Chain Mail Scale Mail Splint Mail
Name Ring Mail Chain Mail Scale Mail Splint Mail
Armor Class 17 - 20 18 - 22 23 - 28 30 - 35
Durability 50 55 60 65
Requirements 25 Str 30 Str 35 Str 40 Str
Price 900 1250 2300 3250
qlvl 11 13 15 17

Heavy Armor

Picture Breast Plate Field Plate Plate Mail Gothic Plate Full Plate Mail
Name Breast Plate Field Plate Plate Mail Gothic Plate Full Plate Mail
Armor Class 20 - 24 40 - 45 42 - 50 50 - 60 60 - 75
Durability 80 80 75 100 90
Requirements 40 Str 65 Str 60 Str 80 Str 90 Str
Price 2 800 5 800 4 600 8 000 6 500
qlvl 16 21 19 23 25
Picture Ancient Plate Primaeval Plate
Name Ancient Plate1, 2 Primaeval Plate2
Armor Class 45-55 75-85
Durability 100 120
Requirements 60 Str 150 Str
Price 8000 10000
qlvl 40 40

1Fast Hit Recovery
2It never drop on Normal difficulty.