Unused Quests
The Butcher's Chamber
Trigger: Wirt
Here over, psst! Chamber butcher the from spell portal town the cast. Saying am I what see?
You must've been speaking with Wirt. His is a sad story indeed. That poor child was taken into the labyrinth by demons, ripped from the very arms of his mother, Canace - may her soul rest in peace. The boy managed to escape, but only after they had chewed off his leg, and he has not been quite sane since. He often speaks in riddles, but his knowledge of the labyrinth may hold some truth.
The lair of the Butcher is steeped in demonic power and casting any spell or passage there could cause... unexpected results.
(Crying) No, you can't make me go back there. I won't let you take me. Too much pain, too many dead. Can't... get the blood out of my eyes... my mouth... *wails*
I suppose it isn't beyond the realm of possibility if you could bear being in that room again. Your description of the atrocities committed there would be enough to keep me far from it.
When I found Wirt, he was very near a room that sounds like the vile pit you've described. The stench of death was heavy in the air, and consumed as I was with getting the lad to safety, I did not go further than I had to. If he claims to know something of that place, I would not discount his word easily.
How could you even think of going back to that place? What could be so important?
Wirt is talking backwards again? I hate it when he does that. I don't have time to help you decipher his riddle, but I will tell you one thing: Don't get involved with that rapscallion.
Yet out it figured you haven't. Understand could you even so simple it make to tried I. Chamber Butcher the from spell portal town the cast.
The Infestation of Worms
Trigger: Pepin
Good hero, a moment of your time please. While attending one of the townsfolk who had taken quite ill, I noticed something odd about his home. There were strange sounds and a sickly sweet smell rising from the cellar. Thinking perhaps these fumes had something to do with his sickness, I investigated. In his cellar were monstrous worms shifting and squirming up from the underground. I beg of you, slay these creatures before they can make their way into the town. I left the door to his house open for you. It is the one opposite of mine.
Worms that rise up from the ground? Many of the ancient writings speak of poisonous insects and foul creatures of the skies and seas, plaguing mankind. It is no surprise that the very earth would offer up a similar peril now that the denizens of the underworld are upon us.
Seek out the domicile to which Pepin has directed you. It is there that your missions shall become clear and your methods evident.
*retching* Listen, listen. I don't even like worms. Don't tell me about yer worms! I don't want yer worms! Nope, no thanks! *slight hiccup/gag* No worms for me.
I've seen no such things in my shop, but I will keep a close watch for them. Perhaps if they come this way they won't take kindly to the fires of my forge.
Wait, before you say anything, my grandmother had a dream with giant, slithering creatures in it. She also saw Pepin running from a house in the town. Do you think this means anything?
(Disgusted) That sounds quite disgusting, and I'm afraid that I haven't heard anything about any worms. Perhaps Cain the storyteller could be of some help.
Haha! They have you hunting worms now? What's next, leaf collecting? Picking up mushrooms? Look, friend, you have a whole church full of demons over there to worry about. I don't see how a few little worms could be so bad.
I fear that the worms could soon overrun the village. I know that they are coming up from under the house that is opposite mine. Just the thought of those slimy beasts oozing into my house makes me want to be ill. Please, rid us of them.
The Town is safe from these foul spawn.
Once again you have saved this humble town from the encroaching evil. We are, as always, forever in your debt.
Lost Treasure
Trigger: Wirt
*Groan* Where is that stupid map? It was supposed to be between the rock and the tree before the bridge. Oh, uh, hello there. Didn't, uh, see you standing there.
There was a tine when this town was a frequent stop for travelers from far and wide. Much has changer since then. But hidden caves and buried treasure are common fantasies of any child. Wirt seldom indulges in youthful games. So it may just be his imagination.
Maintain your quest. Finding a treasure that is lost is not easy. Finding a treasure that is hidden less so. I will leave you with this. Do not let the sands of time confuse your search.
Hey, lemme see that. *blows nose* Thanks!
I really don't have time to discuss some map you are looking for. I have many sick people that require my help, and yours as well.
A what? This is foolishness! There's no treasure buried here in Tristram! Let me see that, uhh, look, these drawings are inaccurate. They don't match our town at all! I'd keep my mind on what lies below our cathedral and not what lies below our top soil.
A treasure map? Do you have it with you? Let me see. Hmm, it looks like this is pretty old, and some of the buildings in the town are not on this map. Oh, I wish I could go and look for the treasure with you, but I have to start work soon.
I'll bet that Wirt saw you coming and put on an act just so you could laugh at you later when he saw you running around town with your nose in the dirt. I'd ignore it.
Rock, tree, bridge... I have no idea what you're talking about.
The Island of the Sunless Sea

Trigger: Farnham
Hey you there, come here, listen up. You know about the island where angels watch? Pick the right rocks, but you better shield your eyes; shield everything! I know, 'cause I been there and... Mmmm, ale.
Hmm, an island where angels watched? Although Farnham's memory is often cloudy these days, that does seem familiar. Perhaps the ancient chronicles of the Sin War can help us. Ah, yes, here is something. In a time long forgotten, a sea of blue rested on the edge of a fiery netherworld. This was an oasis for those who acted as the watchmen over the gates of Hell. Angels and warriors of light could use this place to heal themselves and gather their strength. It was also a staging area where they could train and prepare for the Sin War. Legends speak of a trinity of rocks that hide the path to this island of the sunless sea.
This legendary place is real. And great rewards await you should you find it. Nothing more can I say.
For once I can vouch for Farnham's extraordinary claim. There are many mentions in the books that I have been reading about a place of great healing where warriors of light would go to mend the wounds sustained in the Sin War. If you could find this place it would most assuredly be to the benefit of us all.
Farnham speaks of a place that exists, at least in legend. Warriors would go to a place at the edge of Hell to gird themselves for battle against the armies of darkness. If the stories are true, untold treasures could lie upon this island of the sunless sea.
Those are the words of a drunkard. I don't see how they could be true.
You know, sometimes I wonder how much faith you can put into what Farnham says. He spends so much time reliving his memories of the labyrinth and just being plain drunk that he doesn't always make much sense. I guess you could ask around though.
This is one time that you should listen to Farnham. I have heard of this place, and I know a few sorcerers who have tried to create a portal to get there.
Andariel, The Maiden of Anguish
Trigger: Gillian
Beg pardon, but have you heard what has been happening? Some of the men have vanished from the village. Dica's sons, Inaius and Roof, claim to have seen strange lights glowing deep within the woods a few days ago, but no one has heard from them since. I, too, have seen a crimson shimmering from beyond the ash groves, but I've been too afraid to approach it. I fear the Ogden or our healer Pepin may be next. Won't you please find out what has happened?
While the barmaid may seem a bit confused at times, it is true that men have been disappearing from the village. It reminds me of ancient writings about a demonic temptress called Andariel. Known as the Maiden of Anguish, her thirst for mortal blood was so great that she sought to learn a spell to breach the mortal realm. By seducing one of the dark sorcerers of the netherworld, Andariel took the knowledge she needed and so began to lure mortal men into her dark corner of Hell. If these legends are true, she is not a creature to be taken lightly.
The Succubus is a demon that feeds upon the essence of mortal men. You will find that Andariel has quite an appetite. The town will soon be devoid of any adult males unless you stop her feeding *low hiss* now.
Roof and Inaius are missing? Light protect us! Is there no place that is safe? Our only hope of returning to a peaceful life rests in you. Please, you must find those boys and bring them home to their family.
I admit that I too have seen these strange lights, but I have not felt pulled towards them. I'll be sure to steer clear of them, and I'll be sure to tell everyone that visits here to do likewise.
Gillian has been going on and on about strange lights in the trees, but I haven't been able to make heads nor tales of her story. I certainly haven't seen any strange lights, but if I did they wouldn't be the least of my worries.
*snore* *mumble*
You know, I've been looking for those lights but I can't find them. If Gillian says they are there, uh, I believe her, but I've yet to see them for myself.
Have you looked into what has caused the strange lights yet? There are more men missing since last we spoke, and I'm beginning to fear that soon we may all vanish.
You'll lure no more men to their deaths!
Demons that assume the form of beautiful women, you say? That's horrible! Thank the light that you solved this mystery before any more of our men were lured to their deaths. Thank you for keeping us safe from the powers of darkness once again.
Izual, The Fallen Angel

Trigger: Gillian
Pray your pardon, but I've something to tell you that you may find interesting. It was the strangest thing. While drinking at the tavern, Farnham was rambling about something called Azurewrath. He also said something about a fallen angel. It was hard to understand him because he was very drunk and disoriented, but I seem to remember something about a key in a barrel. He also kept covering his face and repeating the word 'Izual' over and over again.
Farnham has taken to drinking quite heavily since his encounters in the labyrinth. But within the ramblings of this drunken man rests a legend well stepped in myth and mystery. Sit for a moment, my friend, and let me tell you of Izual and Azurewrath. The saga of Izual takes place during the lost battles in Hell. Izual was an angel who was given charge of a holy rune blade, Azurewrath. Leading a daring assault on the Hellforge, Izual was set upon by hundreds of blackened demons and was fatally wounded. The fiends cast the dying angel into a dark pit where the powers of chaos transformed him as he drowned in a whirlpool of burning blood. Evil possessed Izual. The feathers of his wings burned away to reveal leathery skin and horns ripped through the flesh of his head. When he finally arose from that black pit, Izual was an angel no more. Transformed into a creature of evil, he was once again given charge of Azurewrath, assuring that the blade would never again be used against the denizens of Hell.
The once proud Izual is trapped deep beneath the surface of this world. His honor stripped and his visage altered. He is trapped in immortal torment, charged to conceal the very thing that could free him.
Farnham is often confused, but he speaks a powerful name when the word Izual passes his lips. Cain would be able to tell you in much greater detail the legend of this warrior.
The blade Azurewrath *Griswold noise* It's legend! It was cast by the angelic weaponsmith Cinadide, and tempered within the fires of judgment! Whoever wields this weapon will find the legions of Hell at his feet! If you found this blade, I would begin to truly believe that you could end the nightmare that has befallen our town.
There is an old story of an angel named Izual, but I don't remember much more than that.
*laughs* Did you ever hear the one that Cain tells? *laughs* I love that one.
If you were to find any trace of Izual or the blade Azurewrath, even I would be impressed. That is definitely one of a kind.
You know, now that I think about it, maybe it wasn't the key a in a barrel, but the barrel that was the key. Does that make any more sense?
How much suffering, mortal, does it take before you lose your grace? Let me show you.
Return to heaven, warrior of light.
Azurewrath and Izual. I don't know why I didn't remember that story earlier. I've heard it often enough from my grandmother and Cain the storyteller. Well, I hope that my information was still more of a help than a hindrance. May light guide you, my friend.
Horazon's Demons
Trigger: Book
Let this tome serve as your warning. This is a forbidden place. Return from whence you came and your life will be spared. Horazon, master of the disciplines that summon and bind creatures to this plane, promises death to those who pass beyond the five pillars. You have been admonished.
So, you seek knowledge concerning the wars of Hell, do you? Cryptic tomes speak of great battles that determine which of the demonic lords were to rule over Hell. They also mention a bitter rivalry between two of the lords: Azmodan, who led the Horned Death against the armies of light, and Belial, known as the Lord of Lies. Their hatred of their each other is eternal. The reasons for their loathing, lost even to themselves. Tales abound that the mad wizard Horazon somehow trapped the lieutenants of these two lords of hell within his sanctum. There can be no more dangerous a path to tread than the one that runs alongside of demons. Should you also seek this path, watch your life and your soul very carefully, my friend.
You must destroy the two demons that Horazon has trapped within his sanctum at all costs. Should they escape from their imprisonment, they will create a link to this world that will make what lies below the cathedral seem like a children's tale.
Horazon was insane. There are forces with which one do not interfere. It would not surprise me if you found only the charred remains of this damned fool.
A bode tale indeed. My limited time beneath the cathedral leaves me poorly equipped to offer you any help with this. But, as always, you'll find Cain well versed in legends and folklore.
These sound like dark creatures indeed. I am ignorant in matters of this nature, but I would assume that our storyteller may know of such legends.
Sounds like a good idea to me. Ya better get started right awaaay.
The care and feeding of demons is definitely not an interest of mine. Here is a piece of friendly advice: If you get the chance, kill anything you see down there.
This is something that is far beyond anything I have ever learned. I can think of only one person in all of Tristram who could help you. Cain, of course.
"The Creature of Flame" by Horazon. Should be interesting reading.
"Then by binding the spirit to the crafted rock, it is given life." This sounds like a spell of some kind.
"It seems that I may have brought something to this plane that even I cannot control. The creature that fell into my astral trap is a very deadly demon. I have been able to bind it at the bottom of a pit, but it kills everything that I have sent there in attempts to defeat it. While it cannot escape, it does block the tunnels that lead to my protected haven. I am tempted to use the switch to open the tunnels to see if it will just leave, but I fear it is smarter than most of the lesser demons that I have trapped before. If I could just lure it somewhere else..."
"The lieutenant of Belial is known as Grimspike. Beware this demon for his strength appears immeasurable. Reading this scroll and therefore speaking his name near an arcane circle of binding will surely summon him there." Hmm, near a circle of binding.
Mortal, free me from my imprisonment and your reward will be more than you can imagine. Read the book, and I will be released.
Maybe it's locked from the inside.
Looks like it's rusted-shut.
Maybe there's another way.
In spiritu sanctum.
Praedictum otium.
Efficio obitus ut inimicus.
The Enchantment is gone.
Archbishop Lazarus
Trigger: Tremain
Alternative name: The Vile Betreyer
I seek a champion to undertake a serious duty, and the people of this town speak well of your courage and skill. The Archbishop Lazarus, once King Leoric's most trusted advisor and a member of our order, has taken the path of evil. Not long ago Lazarus led a party of simple townsfolk into the labyrinth to find the King's missing son, Albrecht. Only a few of them escaped with their lives.
Curse me for a fool! I should have suspected his veiled treachery then, for I have learned that it was Lazarus himself who kidnapped King Leoric's son and has since hidden him within the labyrinth. I still don't understand why the Archbishop has turned to the darkness or what his interest is in Albrecht. Unless he means to sacrifice him at the full moon.
That must be what he has planned! The survivors of his rescue party say that Lazarus was last seen running into the deepest bowels of the labyrinth, some sixteen levels beneath the cathedral. You must hurry and save the prince from the sacrificial blade of this demented fiend!
Yes. you speak of Lazarus, one who was once well respected in our land. Even before King Leoric descended into madness and lost his son. the Arch Bishop Lazarus was acting strangely. Lazarus seemed to be motivated by unseen forces clinging to shadows and acting out some dark plan that was not his own...
Why do you delay? Time is of the essence! The prince and the people of this kingdom are counting on you.
So, Lazarus has paid the price for his betrayal and justice is served. For your services this day, I bestow this mace unto you. Its name is Lightforge, and it is the holiest of our order's artifacts. As I am the last of this order, I entrust it to you. May the light guide you.
This is terrible! Lazarus will surely burn in hell for his horrific deed! Although the boy that you describe may not be our prince, I believe that Albrecht may yet be in danger. What ever vile power lay beneath the ground has assuredly gained a foothold in our world. All I can do now is pray for us all.
Fleshdoom, Wielder of Shadowfang

Trigger: Tremain
I have had a most disturbing experience that I must share with you, my friend. Earlier I was called upon to help one of the men that escaped from the labyrinth. He was deranged, violent, and kept lashing out at all of those that tried to calm him. I suspected that he was possessed by some sort of demonic entity and so began to drive the evil from within him. After many hours I was able to exorcise a demon who called himself Fleshdoom, but the hellion fled into the labyrinth. You may think that I am mad, but after speaking with the man and battling with Fleshdoom I believe that the labyrinth has somehow become a gateway to the underworld. As you descend deeper you may find yourself upon the doorstep of hell itself. Finally, the man who was possessed retained memories of an ancient demonblade named Shadowfang. If you find the demon Fleshdoom, beware this foul sword. While I fear the dangers below grow even greater, you must find Fleshdoom and slay him. Bring the sword to me and I can destroy it, but do not wield it for its power can corrupt absolutely.
The priest Tremain is a holy man from an ancient order. Their dealings with the evil forces at world are well respected and well documented. I too have heard legends that speak of a cursed demonblade called Shadowfang. It is said to consume the tortured souls of its victims. These souls are trapped within its ebon blade and augment its unholy power. I have also read of a great Hellforge where even the mightiest weapon could be created or destroyed. Tread carefully when dealing with Shadowfang and its master lest you be drawn into the sword as well.
You must be ever watchful for Fleshdoom is an enemy that is both cruel and quick. His ebon blade is composed of the essence of evil. If you can destroy both of them, it would do much to weaken his dark master.
I was asked to assist in the exorcism. My skills were able to ease the poor man's suffering as Tremain drove the demon from his body. While I was treating him for an exceptionally high fever, he spoke of a place of searing heat. The tortured fellow cried out about Hell and falling into a pit of flame. I could not make any sense of it, and thankfully he soon recovered.
*Griswold noise* You speak of an ancient and evil weapon. Tread lightly in this area for the legends of Shadowfang are as black as a moonless winter night. Crafted within the Hellforge, Shadowfang can rend the very soul from whoever it strikes. *Griswold noise* I do not envy you if it is in your mind to defeat the one who wields it. May light protect you, brave hero.
I saw the exorcism. It was incredible how Tremain drove the evil spirit from the man's racked and tortured body. I pray that something that horrific never happens to anyone here ever again.
You're gonna hunt down a demon, is that what you said? I know I didn't hear that, because nobody hunts down demons. No, nobody!
I don't know who this Fleshdoom is, but I have heard rumors of an ebon blade that cleaves a soul from the body. Even I would not try to sell that thing, no matter what the profit. If you find it, you should do what Tremain says and destroy it as quickly as possible.
I heard that the priest Tremain was going to perform an exorcism, but I didn't go. I don't see why we all have to spend every moment captive to what is lurking underneath our town. I know that many have died at the hands of these monsters, but we need to try to go on. I know that you have come here to free Tristram from the clutches of darkness, and I hope that one day we can live in peace again.
Fleshdoom's demise is a great good to the world, yet Shadowfang remains! It must be found and destroyed! Do not attempt to use the demonblade, champion. It will corrupt and madden any mortal who wields it. I alone can end its dark evil.
I can see why they fear this weapon.
This blade must be destroyed.
Light be praised! You found the cursed demonblade! Only its destruction can ensure the safety of us all! Wait, what treachery is this? Ow! It burns! Hellfire... consuming me! You must take this to the Hellforge and cast it in before a *GASP!* (howls)... Noooo!
The Map of the Stars

Trigger: The Map of the Stars
Alternative name: Map of Doom
So, the legend of the Map is real. Even I never truly believed any of it! I suppose it is time that I told you the truth about who I am, my friend. You see, I am not all that I seem...
My true name is Deckard Cain the Elder, and I am the last descendant of an ancient Brotherhood that was dedicated to keeping and safeguarding the secrets of a timeless evil. An evil that quite obviously has now been released...
The evil that you move against is the dark Lord of Terror - known to mortal men as Diablo. It was he who was imprisoned within the Labyrinth many centuries ago. The Map that you hold now was created ages ago to mark the time when Diablo would rise again from his imprisonment. When the two stars on that map align, Diablo will be at the height of his power. He will be all but invincible...
You are now in a race against time, my friend! Find Diablo and destroy him before the stars align, for we may never have a chance to rid the world of his evil again!
Oh, I'm afraid this does not bode well at all. This Map of the Stars portends great disaster! But its secrets are not mine to tell. It's time for you to have a very serious conversation with the storyteller.
I can't make much of the writing on this map, but perhaps Adria or Cain could help you decipher what this refers to. I can see that it is a map of the stars in our sky, but any more than that is beyond my talents.
I've never seen a map of this sort before. Where'd you get it? *Griswold noise* Although I've no idea how to read this, Cain or Adria may be able to provide the answers that you seek.
If the witch can't help you and suggests that you see Cain, what makes you think that I would know anything? It sounds like this is a very serious matter. You should hurry along and see the storyteller as Adria suggests.
Listen here, come close. I dunno if you know what I know, but you have really got somethin' here. That's a map.
I've been looking for a map, but that certainly isn't it. You should show that to Adria. She can probably tell you what it is. I'll say one thing: It looks old. And old usually means valuable.
The best person to ask about that sort of thing would be out storyteller. Cain is very knowledgeable about ancient writings, and that is easily the oldest looking piece of paper that I have ever seen.
Our time is running short! I sense his dark power building and only you can stop him from attaining his full might.
I am sure that you tried your best, but I fear that even your strength and will may not be enough. Diablo is now at the height of his earthly power, and you will need all your courage and strength to defeat him. May the Light protect and guide you, my friend. I will help in any way that I am able.