I decided to do a reboot of the mod The Awakening. The re-made version of the mod will not contain some of the elements from The Awakening which did not fit the game in my opinion. The game will also be re-balanced and more monsters and bosses will be added. If you have any ideas in what could be changed in The Awakening please write it in the comments. The first version of the reboot should be released soon.
The Awakening Reboot
Update: Patch v6.9b
Diablo the Awakening patch v6.9b is now available in the download section. DiabloTorch and stash have been updated.
Diablo Stash- Gossip fix by blankname
Diablo Torch was updated
- There is now a "party" status screen (toggled with the 'P' key) that shows the clvl, location (dlvl/town), and life/mana for everyone in the game. There is an option to disable this.
- Other players now get life/mana bars over their heads, with an option to disable this.
- It now draws other players on the automap in blue arrows, there is not currently a way to disable this one.
- '~' tilde key now hides all windows, not just the taskbar (so you can leave shrines open now and hide it quickly).
- Reduced size of "item value" display window in the inventory (it now only shows sell prices).
10th Anniversary
New website address
Website for The Awakening mod has been moved to a new address
In addition, I fixed issues in regards to people not being able to leave comments, improved website's code and adjusted the website for mobile devices.
I would also like to thank p1_p1_p1 for helping me with issues I had with the website's engine.
Update: Patch v6.9
Patch v6.9 was released, here`s the changelog:
- Added new base items: Battle Sword, Great Battle Axe, Battle Staff, War Mace, Tabard, Battle Armor.
- New properties for some of the new base items.
- Attributes of the following uniques were changed: Inarius' Talisman, Pentagram, Izual's Amulet, Iced Fist, The Bleeder, Angelic Helm, Gotterdamerung, Perun's Crown, Gleamsong, Hurricane, Mysterious Bow, Naj's Might, Edge of God, Vizjerei Defender, Aguinara's Hatchet, Iced Plate, Necromancer's Plate.
- Removed Fast hit recovery from Knuckles
Removed Infravision from Ankh
Diablo Torch was integrated with the game, so there won`t be any problems with starting it up.
- Some high-level uniques will be obtainable only on Nightmare and Hell difficulties.
- Few typos were corrected.- Multiplayer connection menu has following options: Battle.net, Local Area Network (UDP), Tunngle Network (UDP)
After installing the patch some uniques may be replaced by another item.
Attributes of items on the website will be updated in few days.
Patch v6.9 is available in the download section.
To play on Battle.net we are using NetCraft servers now. I`d like to thank the administrators of NetCraft for letting this happen.
Update: Patch v6.8
Patch v6.8 in 2014
New adresses of Awake Website and forums
Few days ago website adress of Diablo: The Awekening has been changed. I would also like to thank Przemo from service "Imperium Diablo", who has been sharing space on his server for awake website since 2005 year.
New adresses are diablo1.eu.org for mod and awake.diablo1.eu.org for forum.
Soon new mod version of 6.8 should be released, which brings some improvements to the game. It is also possible that final version of Diablo The Awakening mod labeled as 7.0. will be released later this year.