Diablo Hellfire Awakening

Diablo Hellfire Mod The Awakening


Posted by: Noktis (19-02-2011)


From our recent survey 56% of voters were in favour of organisating a tournament, 35% were neutral, while 9% were against. So it's mean the first tournament of Awakening will start.

Everyone who wants participate in tournament, please send mail with informations requested below:

Character Name:
Character Class:
Character level:
Other - additional informations (not required).

You can sign on up to 5th March.

On forum You can find topic witch current list of turnament participants:
Posted by: Noktis (10-02-2011)


Many players asked me recently about the possibility of making a tournament. I prepared a poll so i can get to know your opinion and see how many people would eventually take a part in that event.

Posted by: Noktis (27-12-2010)

Awakning Mod v6.6 Patch

New Diablo Awake patch is now available in Download.

- Decreased attack speed for Mephisto and Mephisto's Spectre
- F1-F4 hot keys fix

I will add more changes in next version of Diablo The Awakenind mod

Ukazał się nowy patch do moda "Diablo Przebudzenie", który dostępny jest w dziale Download. Oto zmiany: Czytaj więcej >>
Posted by: Noktis (02-12-2010)

Diablo Awakening on Facebook

Diablo Awake Mod has finaly got it's own account on Facebook. Please go visit it and click "You like this".

Posted by: Noktis (29-11-2010)

Diablo Awake's Site in Portuguese.

Awake's site is now available in Portuguese. The translation was made by BaD and i wanted to thank him very much for that.
Posted by: Noktis (15-11-2010)

Mod of the Year 2010

ModDB once again annouced Mod of the Year Awards contest in which we can decide which mod is the best. I'd like to invite you to vote for Diablo 1 - The Awakening. To vote just go to mod's ModDB webpage
http://www.moddb.com/mods/diablo-the-awakening and click "Vote for this Mod", as it is shown on the picture below. Worth mentioning is also that no registered votes have almost no value so register before you vote!
Posted by: Noktis (02-06-2010)

Hellfire : The Awakening Mod v0.1 pre-beta

The Hellfire mod project has been resumed, resulting in release of the mod v0.1 pre-beta test version. It is a open test so anyone can play. Changes made in this version: v0.1 involve changing the statistisc of monsters on dlvl 1-16 (without Hive and Crypt). In the future, new changes will be made regarding bosses, items, spells, improvements to the game, etc. Let me emphasise that this is NOT the final version of the Hellfire mod. If you have any comments or remakrs related to this version, write on the forum

Vetrsion pre-beta is available in Download.

Projekt moda do Hellfire został wznowiony, czego efektem jest udostępnienie moda w wersji v0.1 pre-beta test. Jest to testowa w która może zagrać każdy. Zmiany dokonane w wersji v.0.1 dotyczą statystyk potworów na poziomach 1-16 (bez poziomów Hive i Crypt). W przyszłości będą dokonywane kolejne zmiany dotyczące bossów, przedmiotów czarów, ulepszeń w grze itd. Czytaj więcej >>
Posted by: Noktis (25-05-2010)

Diablo 1 Mod Awakening v6.5

New version of the mod Diablo Awakening v6.5 has been released and it is now available in Download. If you have version v6.4 of the mod, you only need to download a patch that will update the game without the need of reinstalling the whole mod.

List of changes:
- Increased amount of money in one pile to 65k
*1-15000 - small pile
*15001-49999 - medium pile
*50000-65000 large pile
- Fixed "Wizard's Staff" picture, the base mage staff
- Increased attack speed for Mephisto and Mephisto's Spectre
- Increased hit recovery of monster: Golem
- Enable automap at start
- Gold bug fix - fixed problem related to gold while selling items
- Information about low dur items are displayed when durability is decresed to 8 (yellow icon) and 4 (red icon)

Also, I would like to thank Rlyeh for sharing server space, thank to that problem related to downloading the mod are not occuring anymore. page.

Wydana została nowa wersja moda Diablo Przebudzenie v6.5, która dostępna jest w dziale Download. Jeśli posiadasz wersje v6.4a to wystarczy że pobierzesz i wgrasz patcha, który zaktualizuje grę do wersji v6.5 bez konieczności ponownego pobierania moda.

Oto lista zmian:

Czytaj więcej >>
Posted by: Noktis (29-04-2010)

Website Translation

The website has been translated to Japanese. The author of the Japanese version of the website is Koji, for which I am very grateful. If someone else would also like to help and translate the mod's website to some other language, plase contact me via e-mail. More information regarding translation of the website can be found on Website Translation page.

Strona moda została przetłumaczona na język japoński. Autorem japońskiej wersji strony jest Koji, za co mu bardzo dziękuję. Jeśli ktoś chciałby pomóc i przetłumaczyć stronę moda na jakiś jeszcze inny język, to skontaktuj się ze mną drogą mailową. Więcej informacji na temat tłumaczenia strony znajduje się w dziale Tłumaczenie Strony
Posted by: Noktis (20-03-2010)

New look of website

Even if it looks very similar, Diablo The Awakening's website has been completlely rebuild. All links from Hellfire mod were removed as the mod has been suspended. Anyway, I hope you will like the new look of the website

Strona moda Diablo Przebudzenie zupełnie została przebudowana, mimo iż wygląda bardzo podobnie do swojej wcześniejszej wersji. Z sekcji Hellfire Mod usunięte zostały wszystkie linki, gdyż obecnie projekt moda do Hellfire jest wstrzymany. Tak czy inaczej mam nadzieje że nowy wygląd strony przypadnie wam do gustu.
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